Sunday, November 28, 2010

In the spirit of risky behaviors, this picture has been used without permission.

     T.S. Eliot once wrote that "only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."  Risk.  It's pushing yourself to do something you're scared of.  It's about facing the possibility of failure.  Now, one shouldn't allow oneself to be pushed into risky behaviors.  But if it's what you want, then you should go for it and have the perseverance to follow through.  
     Here's an example.  I love performing.  And yet I take a tremendous risk whenever I get up in front of people.  And believe me, I can feel it.  It's even worse when the performance is an audition for a play.  What I'm feeling is the risk of rejection, and it's scary.
     Here's one thing I've noticed at CMU -- most of us could be more risky.  Many of us have things we'd like to do but don't.  Here's my question - why not do what you want?  Whether it's saying "no" more often, signing up for the opera (I hear there's a few male choir spots left), asking that person out, or organizing that event - why not do it?
     This campus is becoming too predictable.  Please do something risky today!  Why would you risk?  The more you risk, the freer you'll feel.  It's worth it!

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