Wednesday, October 6, 2010


     Dorm life is kind of like a jolt into the world of adulthood.  It can be especially difficult if you're going into it right after high-school.  From my own experience I know that the first year was a challenge.  After all those years of having your parents give you direction, suddenly you're on your own, with a lot of people your age.  The standard questions arise.  Where will I fit in?  Will I fit in?  How will I manage my time?  And then later (almost inevitably) why am I so far behind in my schoolwork?
     These are all perfectly normal things to wonder about.   These thoughts go through everyone's head.  Very few people become confident secure "adults" the moment they move away from home for the first time.  Sometimes the answer comes in just taking everything less seriously.  You no longer have people telling you what to do.  It's important to sit back and enjoy the ride.  There's a lot to laugh about during this transition!

You're on your way to becoming a responsible adult!  Like these fellows.

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